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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (section)
12.5 DPC

36 matching records from 36 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Sfrp2  secreted frizzled-related protein 2   (Synonyms: Sdf5)
Results  Reference
1J:106499 Airik R, Bussen M, Singh MK, Petry M, Kispert A, Tbx18 regulates the development of the ureteral mesenchyme. J Clin Invest. 2006 Mar;116(3):663-74
1J:166547 Airik R, Trowe MO, Foik A, Farin HF, Petry M, Schuster-Gossler K, Schweizer M, Scherer G, Kist R, Kispert A, Hydroureternephrosis due to loss of Sox9-regulated smooth muscle cell differentiation of the ureteric mesenchyme. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Dec 15;19(24):4918-29
1*J:84706 Assimacopoulos S, Grove EA, Ragsdale CW, Identification of a Pax6-dependent epidermal growth factor family signaling source at the lateral edge of the embryonic cerebral cortex. J Neurosci. 2003 Jul 23;23(16):6399-403
1J:143322 Chen Y, Stump RJ, Lovicu FJ, Shimono A, McAvoy JW, Wnt signaling is required for organization of the lens fiber cell cytoskeleton and development of lens three-dimensional architecture. Dev Biol. 2008 Dec 1;324(1):161-76
1J:154611 Chou SJ, Perez-Garcia CG, Kroll TT, O'Leary DD, Lhx2 specifies regional fate in Emx1 lineage of telencephalic progenitors generating cerebral cortex. Nat Neurosci. 2009 Nov;12(11):1381-9
1J:195725 D'Angelo A, De Angelis A, Avallone B, Piscopo I, Tammaro R, Studer M, Franco B, Ofd1 controls dorso-ventral patterning and axoneme elongation during embryonic brain development. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52937
1J:266242 Desmaris E, Keruzore M, Saulnier A, Ratie L, Assimacopoulos S, De Clercq S, Nan X, Roychoudhury K, Qin S, Kricha S, Chevalier C, Lingner T, Henningfeld KA, Zarkower D, Mallamaci A, Theil T, Campbell K, Pieler T, Li M, Grove EA, Bellefroid EJ, DMRT5, DMRT3, and EMX2 Cooperatively Repress Gsx2 at the Pallium-Subpallium Boundary to Maintain Cortical Identity in Dorsal Telencephalic Progenitors. J Neurosci. 2018 Oct 17;38(42):9105-9121
1J:317998 Du A, Wu X, Chen H, Bai QR, Han X, Liu B, Zhang X, Ding Z, Shen Q, Zhao C, Foxg1 Directly Represses Dbx1 to Confine the POA and Subsequently Regulate Ventral Telencephalic Patterning. Cereb Cortex. 2019 Dec 17;29(12):4968-4981
1*J:199602 Fotaki V, Smith R, Pratt T, Price DJ, Foxg1 is required to limit the formation of ciliary margin tissue and Wnt/beta-catenin signalling in the developing nasal retina of the mouse. Dev Biol. 2013 Aug 15;380(2):299-313
1*J:136720 Friedrichs M, Larralde O, Skutella T, Theil T, Lamination of the cerebral cortex is disturbed in Gli3 mutant mice. Dev Biol. 2008 Jun 1;318(1):203-14
1J:227069 Huang J, Liu Y, Filas B, Gunhaga L, Beebe DC, Negative and positive auto-regulation of BMP expression in early eye development. Dev Biol. 2015 Nov 15;407(2):256-64
1*J:49904 Leimeister C, Bach A, Gessler M, Developmental expression patterns of mouse sFRP genes encoding members of the secreted frizzled related protein family. Mech Dev. 1998 Jul;75(1-2):29-42
1*J:51287 Lescher B, Haenig B, Kispert A, sFRP-2 is a target of the Wnt-4 signaling pathway in the developing metanephric kidney. Dev Dyn. 1998 Dec;213(4):440-51
1J:84478 Liu H, Mohamed O, Dufort D, Wallace VA, Characterization of Wnt signaling components and activation of the Wnt canonical pathway in the murine retina. Dev Dyn. 2003 Jul;227(3):323-34
1J:147041 Matsuyama M, Aizawa S, Shimono A, Sfrp controls apicobasal polarity and oriented cell division in developing gut epithelium. PLoS Genet. 2009 Mar;5(3):e1000427
1J:294016 Medina-Martinez O, Haller M, Rosenfeld JA, O'Neill MA, Lamb DJ, Jamrich M, The transcription factor Maz is essential for normal eye development. Dis Model Mech. 2020 Aug 18;13(8):dmm044412
1J:310534 Miao N, Bian S, Lee T, Mubarak T, Huang S, Wen Z, Hussain G, Sun T, Opposite Roles of Wnt7a and Sfrp1 in Modulating Proper Development of Neural Progenitors in the Mouse Cerebral Cortex. Front Mol Neurosci. 2018;11:247
1*J:308818 Moreau MX, Saillour Y, Cwetsch AW, Pierani A, Causeret F, Single-cell transcriptomics of the early developing mouse cerebral cortex disentangle the spatial and temporal components of neuronal fate acquisition. Development. 2021 Jul 15;148(14):dev197962
1J:174499 Muzio L, DiBenedetto B, Stoykova A, Boncinelli E, Gruss P, Mallamaci A, Emx2 and Pax6 control regionalization of the pre-neuronogenic cortical primordium. Cereb Cortex. 2002 Feb;12(2):129-39
1J:171035 Norden J, Grieskamp T, Lausch E, van Wijk B, van den Hoff MJ, Englert C, Petry M, Mommersteeg MT, Christoffels VM, Niederreither K, Kispert A, Wt1 and retinoic acid signaling in the subcoelomic mesenchyme control the development of the pleuropericardial membranes and the sinus horns. Circ Res. 2010 Apr 16;106(7):1212-20
1J:135403 Rajaii F, Bitzer ZT, Xu Q, Sockanathan S, Expression of the dominant negative retinoid receptor, RAR403, alters telencephalic progenitor proliferation, survival, and cell fate specification. Dev Biol. 2008 Apr 15;316(2):371-82
1J:127421 Remedios R, Huilgol D, Saha B, Hari P, Bhatnagar L, Kowalczyk T, Hevner RF, Suda Y, Aizawa S, Ohshima T, Stoykova A, Tole S, A stream of cells migrating from the caudal telencephalon reveals a link between the amygdala and neocortex. Nat Neurosci. 2007 Sep;10(9):1141-50
1J:220958 Rosenthal EH, Tonchev AB, Stoykova A, Chowdhury K, Regulation of archicortical arealization by the transcription factor Zbtb20. Hippocampus. 2012 Nov;22(11):2144-56
1J:336383 Ruiz-Reig N, Andres B, Huilgol D, Grove EA, Tissir F, Tole S, Theil T, Herrera E, Fairen A, Lateral Thalamic Eminence: A Novel Origin for mGluR1/Lot Cells. Cereb Cortex. 2017 May 1;27(5):2841-2856
1J:315977 Ruiz-Reig N, Andres B, Lamonerie T, Theil T, Fairen A, Studer M, The caudo-ventral pallium is a novel pallial domain expressing Gdf10 and generating Ebf3-positive neurons of the medial amygdala. Brain Struct Funct. 2018 Sep;223(7):3279-3295
1J:115344 Self M, Lagutin OV, Bowling B, Hendrix J, Cai Y, Dressler GR, Oliver G, Six2 is required for suppression of nephrogenesis and progenitor renewal in the developing kidney. EMBO J. 2006 Nov 1;25(21):5214-28
1*J:157819 Shimogori T, Lee DA, Miranda-Angulo A, Yang Y, Wang H, Jiang L, Yoshida AC, Kataoka A, Mashiko H, Avetisyan M, Qi L, Qian J, Blackshaw S, A genomic atlas of mouse hypothalamic development. Nat Neurosci. 2010;13(6):767-75
1J:81762 Stenman J, Yu RT, Evans RM, Campbell K, Tlx and Pax6 co-operate genetically to establish the pallio-subpallial boundary in the embryonic mouse telencephalon. Development. 2003 Mar;130(6):1113-22
1J:86692 Stenman JM, Wang B, Campbell K, Tlx controls proliferation and patterning of lateral telencephalic progenitor domains. J Neurosci. 2003 Nov 19;23(33):10568-76
1*J:73304 Tebar M, Destree O, de Vree WJ, Ten Have-Opbroek AA, Expression of Tcf/Lef and sFrp and localization of beta-catenin in the developing mouse lung. Mech Dev. 2001 Dec;109(2):437-40
1J:162846 Teissier A, Griveau A, Vigier L, Piolot T, Borello U, Pierani A, A novel transient glutamatergic population migrating from the pallial-subpallial boundary contributes to neocortical development. J Neurosci. 2010 Aug 4;30(31):10563-74
1J:154087 Trimarchi JM, Stadler MB, Cepko CL, Individual retinal progenitor cells display extensive heterogeneity of gene expression. PLoS One. 2008;3(2):e1588
1J:311811 Trowe MO, Airik R, Weiss AC, Farin HF, Foik AB, Bettenhausen E, Schuster-Gossler K, Taketo MM, Kispert A, Canonical Wnt signaling regulates smooth muscle precursor development in the mouse ureter. Development. 2012 Sep;139(17):3099-108
1J:86254 Vyas A, Saha B, Lai E, Tole S, Paleocortex is specified in mice in which dorsal telencephalic patterning is severely disrupted. J Comp Neurol. 2003 Nov 24;466(4):545-53
1*J:146657 Witte F, Dokas J, Neuendorf F, Mundlos S, Stricker S, Comprehensive expression analysis of all Wnt genes and their major secreted antagonists during mouse limb development and cartilage differentiation. Gene Expr Patterns. 2009 Apr;9(4):215-23
1J:153550 Yu W, Wang Y, McDonnell K, Stephen D, Bai CB, Patterning of ventral telencephalon requires positive function of Gli transcription factors. Dev Biol. 2009 Oct 1;334(1):264-75

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